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3 Korean games to play with your friends

There are plenty of games that are not seen in British culture and I have only seen them in Korean culture. I want to teach you some of my favourites. 아이엠 그라운드 The Name Game (a.k.a I am Ground)You will need at least two players, but more is better. In Korean programmes, this game is…

6 Korean learning resources to kick start your journey

I thought some of you might find it useful to have a list of some good resources that I like to use for learning Korean. Of course, there are many more out there. But these are just the main ones that I use. 1. TTMIK (Talk To Me In Korean) This is a very well-known…

‘꿈’ (‘Dream’) – 김소현 (Kim So Hyun)

In this post, I want to enlighten you and help you understand the lyrics of ‘꿈’ (‘Dream’) by 김소현 (Kim So Hyun) from ‘싸우자 귀신아’ (‘Bring It On Ghost’) OST.I chose this particular song because the lyrics are not too long and the grammar and vocabulary are fairly simple. Please feel free to make your…


In the above graphic, you can see the basic words for weather. Just to make you aware, besides 맑은 (dictionary form is 맑다) and the bottom two (덥다 and 춥다), all of the words are nouns. 맑다 is an adjective whilst 덥다 and 춥다 are verbs. Just you will need to conjugate them accordingly. Example…

용인 대장금 파크 Yongin Daejanggeum Park

Ever wondered what an ancient Korean palace looks like from the inside? Well, in this post, I will show you a Story Sphere of 용인 대장금 파크 Yongin Daejanggaeum Park which is one of the most known 궁전 palaces. Take a look below to see one for yourself without leaving your seat. This is a…

남산 백범광장 Namsan Baekbomkwangjang Baekbom Park Square

In this post, I will be showing a 360 view of 남신 백범광장 Namsan Baekbomkwangjang which is named Baekbom Park Square of Namsan peak.I find this park to be very pretty. The best part about this park, I think, is that it is placed right in the centre of the city. Just take a look…

The History of Korea

In this blog post, I will take you through the most important events of Korea’s history since the period of the Three Kingdoms (57 B.C.) to present day. This is a screenshot of that the custom HTML block should look like: Also, here is the link to the timeline so that you see it functioning:…