‘꿈’ (‘Dream’) – 김소현 (Kim So Hyun)

In this post, I want to enlighten you and help you understand the lyrics of ‘꿈’ (‘Dream’) by 김소현 (Kim So Hyun) from ‘싸우자 귀신아’ (‘Bring It On Ghost’) OST.
I chose this particular song because the lyrics are not too long and the grammar and vocabulary are fairly simple.
Please feel free to make your own notes about the lyrics, grammar and vocabulary. I find that writing out lyrics and annotating them in this way helps to explore how grammatical concepts are used in songs (which, just like in English, is a little different and vague at times).

Click on the camera point at the top of the image below to view the music video for the song.
The teal points on the left are for the vocabulary in each verse.
The orange points of the right are for the English translations for each verse.
The grammar has been annotated onto the lyrics.
The colour key is on the left side of the image.

This is a screen shot of the custom HTML (as the HTML block will not function correctly):

Also, this is the link to the interactive image, so that view all of the information: https://view.genial.ly/5fb8dd449e845a12b6ece16e/interactive-image-interactive-image

I tried to make the annotations as clear as possible. But people learn differently. So use this a resource and learn from it in any way that is best for you.

I hope you enjoy the song as much as I do. I love 김소현 (Kim So Hyun) as an actress and I fell more in love when I discovered that she has done a few OSTs for the dramas she has been in.