3 Korean games to play with your friends

There are plenty of games that are not seen in British culture and I have only seen them in Korean culture. I want to teach you some of my favourites.

아이엠 그라운드 The Name Game

(a.k.a I am Ground)
You will need at least two players, but more is better.

In Korean programmes, this game is often shown by the players using hats in which the ears move up and down. You don’t need them – you can just use your hands. There are four motions that you need to know:
1. Right ear (if using a hat) or slap your legs with both hands
2. Left ear (if using a hat) or clap your hands
3. Both ears (if using a hat) or point with your right thumb up
4. Both ears (if using a hat) or point with your left thumb up
These are the motions you’ll be doing to counts of four throughout the game.

To start the game, the first player beings by saying “아이 엠 그라운드 토끼임하기” (“ai em geulaundeu tokkigeimhagi”) (“I am ground let’s do rabbit game”).
Motion 1, motion 2 and then on motion 3 you call someone’s name and on motion 4, you say how many times between 1 to 4. Here is an example with my name:
아이 엠 그라운드 토끼임하기 (ai em geulaundeu tokkigeimhagi). *Motion 1*. *Motion 2*. Abbie. 둘 (dul) (2).
If you are chosen, you have to say your name in time with the beats and motions according to the number of times you need to say your name. So:
한 (han) (1) = *Motion 1*. *Motion 2*. *Motion 3*. Abbie.
둘 (dul) (2) = *Motion 1*. *Motion 2*. Abbie. Abbie.
셋 (set) (3) = *Motion 1*. Abbie. Abbie. Abbie.
넷 (net) (4) = Abbie. Abbie. Abbie. Abbie.
Then you call out the name person with *Motion 1*. *Motion 2*. Chaeyoung. 한 (han) (1).
You continue until someone makes a mistake.

Let’s watch BTS play the game!

If the gif isn’t working, you can view it here: https://gph.is/g/ZY02ogO

If the gif isn’t working, you can view it here: https://gph.is/g/ZdYJYkw

If the gif isn’t working, you can view it here: https://gph.is/g/aRV2VeO

Here is a gif of Yoongi being cute, because why not.

If the gif isn’t working, you can view it here: https://gph.is/g/4oKJKAm

Gifs created from: BTS Run episode 60

Pushing Game

This game needs two players only.

The two players face each at a fairly close distance. Both players hold their hands up after if they are giving each other two five-hands. The aim of the game is to try and stand in one spot whilst attempting to push over the other person using their hands.

Make sure you have space behind both players.

The games can get intense, so be aware.

Let look at some K-pop idols playing the game.

If the gif isn’t working, you can view it here: https://gph.is/g/ZOJnx9z

If the gif isn’t working, you can view it here: https://gph.is/g/ZPq28Ar

If the gif isn’t working, you can view it here: https://gph.is/g/ZxDJqb5

If the gif isn’t working, you can view it here: https://gph.is/g/Zk7exYp

If the gif doesn’t work, you can view it here: https://gph.is/g/amQJMY5

If the gif isn’t working, you can view it here: https://gph.is/g/4wDxYJd

The gifs were created from: K-pop Idols Funny Pushing Game

The ABCD Game

You will need at least two players, but three is a good minimum.

There are four hand gestures that you need to know for this game that correspond to four letters (A, B, C, and D):
A = both hands pressed together as if you are praying
B = both hands pressed together but shifted in opposite directions
C = both hands are apart with your palms facing down
D = both hands are apart with your palms facing up

To start the game, decide on the first caller. Then start with your hands in gesture A. The caller with call out a letter A to D by saying either “한, 둘, 셋, *letter*” (“han, dul, set, *letter*”) (“one, two, three, *letter*”) or “A, B *letter*. This is down to personal preference.
The other players must move their hands to NOT match the letter that was called. If your gesture is the one that was called, you get slapped depending on the letter that you matched to. They go as follows:
A = 1 slap
B = 2 slaps
C = 3 slaps
D = 4 slaps
If no one matches the letter called, then another letter is called by the next player.

Let’s watch BTS playing the game.

If the gif is not working, you can view it here: https://gph.is/g/ZxDJD65

If the gif is not working, you can view it here: https://gph.is/g/4ARpkrO

If the gif is not working, you can view it here: https://gph.is/g/E1pYXGr

Gifs created from: BTS 花樣年華 (2015 LIVE On Stage Concert Prologue & VCR Making)


Here are screenshots of the gifs working if they are not working:

6 Korean learning resources to kick start your journey

I thought some of you might find it useful to have a list of some good resources that I like to use for learning Korean. Of course, there are many more out there. But these are just the main ones that I use.

1. TTMIK (Talk To Me In Korean)

Image sourced from: https://twitter.com/ttmik

This is a very well-known website that a lot of Korean learners use. Despite this not being the first website that I used to start learning Korean, I would say that this is the best website that I have discovered and use to learn grammar. They explain concepts in a very clear and concise way that is easy to understand.

You can learn Korean without having to pay for anything. Their free essential courses take you right from the beginning. So it is an excellent place to start learning Korean. However, it would be ideal to know how to read and write 한글 (hangul) (the Korean writing system) before starting. Often, people say you can learn it all within an hour. There are plenty of videos on YouTube that teach you the letters. But I found that it took me a little longer to get used to and remember all of the letters. Thankfully, TTMIK has the romanised versions of words until level 4 of their free courses.

They also have a wide range of books types for all levels. At the point of writing this, they have the free essential courses from level 1 to 9 in book form. They also have workbooks that work alongside their free essential courses to help you practice the grammar. Additional to these, they have books full of example sentences, conversations and vocabulary. They offer most of them as physical copies and ebooks. I purchased the ebook versions of ‘My Weekly Korean Vocabulary Book 1’ and the workbooks for level 3, 4 and 5. I have found them to be beneficial. But by all means, you do not need to feel like you have to buy their books to learn Korean.

Here is the link to their website: https://talktomeinkorean.com/

Here is the link to their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/talktomeinkorean

Here are the links to their podcast: Apple, Spotify, Soundcloud, Google Podcasts

2. How To Study Korean

Image sourced from: https://www.howtostudykorean.com/

This is the first website that I used to start learn Korean. The reason I moved over to TTMIK was because I found it a little difficult to understand the grammar concepts that they were trying to explain. Often, their explains are a little lengthy too. That being said, having learn a lot of grammar from TTMIK and understanding how I learn Korean best, coming back to this website helps me fill in a few little gaps in my knowledge. They are very minor.

The thing I like about this website is that at the beginning of each lesson, they offer a list of vocabulary as well as using a wide range of vocabulary in their example sentences (of which there are plenty of). I find that TTMIK uses a lot of the same vocabulary. So this website helps to widen your vocabulary range.

Here is a link to their website: https://www.howtostudykorean.com/

Here is a link to their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWwkebe58DeuZw-Lf1QRC7g

3. Papago

Image sourced from: https://papago.naver.com/

This is a translation website and app that is owned by Naver. Naver is like the Korean version Google. The thing that is special about Papago is that it “uses a neural machine to learn from its mistakes and learn what type of translations the user requires” (Wikipedia, 2020). I actually found out about this through BTS’s 전정국 (Jeon Jungkook) from a V Live. He uses to help him learn English.

The main thing I like about this translator is that it takes the words that you type in and links them to the Naver dictionary underneath. If you click these links, you can see a more in depth explanation with examples of that word. I find this to be very useful for verbs as some of their verbs are very specific, such as 감다 which means to close one’s eyes or to wash one’s hair. Or when a word has more than one meaning, such as 바람 which means wind and also wish, dream or desire.

Here is a link to the website: https://papago.naver.com/

Here are the links to the app versions: Google Play Store, Apple App Store

4. Duolingo and Memrise

Image sourced from: https://www.duolingo.com/
Image sourced from: https://twitter.com/memrise

These are apps that I have heard a lot about and often seen adverts for them. Some people say these apps and websites are very good. But I should warn you that they do not teach grammar as it suggests in the adverts and on their websites and apps. I would recommend using them as a way to practice grammar, hearing other people speaking the language and practicing and learning vocabulary. Rather than using theses resources alone, I suggest to use them as a support for other resources. The apps are good for on the go, such as on the bus, for quick practices. Please do not rely on these only as they only teaches you phrases – you will not learn the speak freely with these only.

Here are the links to the websites: Duolingo, Memrise

Here are the links to the Duolingo app: Google Play Store, Apple App Store

Here are the links to Memrise app: Google Play Store, Apple App Store

5. Korean Hamin

Image sourced from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCPJMTZlpZnzPrL0Tj-iECA

Hamin is a fairly new discovery of mine. I first found him on Tik Tok. His content is great for learning and understanding the pronunciation of words. You can also do duets with him on Tik Tok to practice your convocations. He also has an Instagram account with similar content and YouTube channel where he goes into a little more depth about grammar. He is a really great person to listen to as his voice is very clear. I am also very impressed by him as he is in his early 20s.

Here are his links: Tik Tok, Instagram, YouTube

6. Flashcard app

Image sourced from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz-GP449NJSstWUOEdIHvDA/about

One thing I struggle with a lot is remembering vocabulary. When I started, I had several lists for new words I found: verbs, adjectives etc. But I found that I would write them down and forget to look at them. Then I discovered some flashcard apps. But one stood out to me called dA Flashcards. I do believe that is to only on the Google Play Store. I like that you can sort them into folders and add tags to them. So I have verbs, adjectives, nouns, adverbs, verb endings and a few more. But the thing I like the most is that every 15 minutes (if I look at my phone), a new card is show as a notification. So throughout the day, I can be reminded of a range of different words and grammar points.

Here is the link to the app: Google Play Store


Feature image: https://pixabay.com/ko/photos/%EB%B0%94%EB%9E%8C%EC%B0%B8%EC%A2%8B%EB%8B%A4-%EC%97%AC%EC%9D%98%EB%8F%84-%ED%95%9C%EA%B8%80-603698/

‘꿈’ (‘Dream’) – 김소현 (Kim So Hyun)

In this post, I want to enlighten you and help you understand the lyrics of ‘꿈’ (‘Dream’) by 김소현 (Kim So Hyun) from ‘싸우자 귀신아’ (‘Bring It On Ghost’) OST.
I chose this particular song because the lyrics are not too long and the grammar and vocabulary are fairly simple.
Please feel free to make your own notes about the lyrics, grammar and vocabulary. I find that writing out lyrics and annotating them in this way helps to explore how grammatical concepts are used in songs (which, just like in English, is a little different and vague at times).

Click on the camera point at the top of the image below to view the music video for the song.
The teal points on the left are for the vocabulary in each verse.
The orange points of the right are for the English translations for each verse.
The grammar has been annotated onto the lyrics.
The colour key is on the left side of the image.

This is a screen shot of the custom HTML (as the HTML block will not function correctly):

Also, this is the link to the interactive image, so that view all of the information: https://view.genial.ly/5fb8dd449e845a12b6ece16e/interactive-image-interactive-image

I tried to make the annotations as clear as possible. But people learn differently. So use this a resource and learn from it in any way that is best for you.

I hope you enjoy the song as much as I do. I love 김소현 (Kim So Hyun) as an actress and I fell more in love when I discovered that she has done a few OSTs for the dramas she has been in.


In the above graphic, you can see the basic words for weather. Just to make you aware, besides 맑은 (dictionary form is 맑다) and the bottom two (덥다 and 춥다), all of the words are nouns. 맑다 is an adjective whilst 덥다 and 춥다 are verbs. Just you will need to conjugate them accordingly.

Example sentences

여름에는 해가 일찍 떠요
The sun rises early in summer

오늘은 구름 많아요
There are a lot of clouds today

어제의 밤하늘을 맑았어요
The sky was clear last night / yesterday’s night sky was clear

내일은 비가 올 것 같아요
I think it will rain tomorrow / it looks like it is going to rain tomorrow

저는 무지개를 아까 봤어요
I saw a rainbow earlier

엄마! 눈가 왔어요
Mum! It’s snowing / Mum! It snowed

오늘은 바람이 심하게 불는데 조심해 주세요
 It is windy today, so please be careful

저는 지금 천둥 치는 소리를 들었네요
I just heard thunder

날씨가 너무 더워요
The weather is too hot

날씨가 너무 추워서 저는 일을 할 수 없네요
The weather is so cold that I can’t work

용인 대장금 파크 Yongin Daejanggeum Park

Ever wondered what an ancient Korean palace looks like from the inside? Well, in this post, I will show you a Story Sphere of 용인 대장금 파크 Yongin Daejanggaeum Park which is one of the most known 궁전 palaces. Take a look below to see one for yourself without leaving your seat.

This is a screen shot of the custom HTML (as the HTML block will not function correctly):

Audio in the Story Sphere is from ‘해를 품은 달’ ‘Moon Embracing the Sun’ episode 3 and Agust D’s ‘대취타’ ‘Daechwita’

Also, this is the link to the Story Sphere so you can see it functioning: https://storyspheres.com/scene/8BThUqbb

I said that this is one of the most known palaces in Korea and with good reason. Personally, I find it actually stunning to look at with its beautiful colours and architecture. But that is not the reason why it is such a well known palace.
Have you watched any 사극 period Korean dramas, such as ‘해를 품은 달’ ‘Moon Embracing the Sun’, ‘군주-가면의 주인’ ‘The Emperor: Owner of the Mask’ or ‘해치’ ‘Haechi’? Perhaps you have watched Agust D’s (BTS’s Suga) music video for ‘대취타’ ‘Daechwita’? What about Stray Kids’ music video for their English Version of ‘Double Knot’? Maybe, a lesser known artist, AleXa, in her music video for ‘Do or Die’? Well, along with any others, they have all be set there.

Image sourced from: http://blog.daum.net/chojs15/3585

Does this look familiar?

Don’t believe me? Watch the music videos and some scenes from dramas below. Just a word of warning about watching the drama scenes: don’t spoil them for yourself.

1. ‘해를 품은 달’ (‘Moon Embracing the Sun’)

Episode 19, MBCdrama

2. ‘주군-가면가 주인’ (‘The Emperor: The Owner of the Mask’)

Episode 19, MBCdrama

3. ‘해치’ (‘Haechi’)

Episode 11, Kocowa TV

4. Agust D’s ‘대취타’ (‘Daechwita’) music video

Big Hit Entertainment

5. Stray Kids’ ‘Double Knot’ English version music video

JYP Entertainment

6. Alexa’s ‘Do or Die’ music video

ZB Label

Beautiful, isn’t it? The entire park is huge and hidden in the middle of the mountains and hill. If I get the chance to go to Korea, I am going here for sure.

남산 백범광장 Namsan Baekbomkwangjang Baekbom Park Square

In this post, I will be showing a 360 view of 남신 백범광장 Namsan Baekbomkwangjang which is named Baekbom Park Square of Namsan peak.
I find this park to be very pretty. The best part about this park, I think, is that it is placed right in the centre of the city. Just take a look at the map below. The mark is placed on the park square but the entire peak goes much further right:

Here is another look at the park as if you are walking there yourself.
Since the custom HTML doesn’t work, this is a screenshot of what the HTML block should look like:

Also, here is the link for the 360 image so you can experience it for yourself: https://momento360.com/e/u/4a03fc6fbead439c9850eabfded33390?utm_campaign=embed&utm_source=other&heading=0&pitch=0&field-of-view=75&size=medium

Just beautiful, isn’t it?

There is an interesting story behind how I came to find this place. Before I recently became obsessed with 사극 period Korean dramas, I watched modern dramas. I kept seeing this wall and park in a few different dramas. And thought “where is this place and why is it used in so many dramas?”. After much research, I finally found it! I found it through the Hilton hotel that is in front of it (called Millennium Hilton Seoul). The wall that I kept seeing is called 낙산 성곽길 The Fortress Wall of Seoul or Seoul City Wall. It was built in 1396 A.D. around the city of 한양 Hanyang (the name of Seoul at the time during the 조선 Joseon dynasty). It was built to defend the city and show its borders. You can look at the image below to see the entire wall:

Image sourced from https://seoulcitywall.seoul.go.kr/front/kor/sub01/course.do?gubun=A004

Some dramas that I have seen this location in

1. ‘좋아하면 울리는’ ‘Love Alarm’

Image sourced from Netflix

This is from episode 3. I think this shot is really pretty with all of the lights of the buildings in the background that contrast the elegance of the park behind the camera.

2. ‘이태원 클라쓰’ ‘Itaewon Class’

Image sourced from Netflix

This is from episode 8. I believe that this location is seen elsewhere in this drama too. But this scene shows you the location pretty well.

3. ‘싸우자 귀신아’ ‘Hey Ghost, Let’s Fight’

Image sourced from Netflix

Although they don’t quite get on the park or peak in this drama, these stairs are part of the official route to the Seoul Tower which is located on the Namsan peak.

There are plenty of other dramas, and films, that use Namsan as one of their locations. And why wouldn’t they? It is in the centre of Seoul with historical background as well as a gorgeous backdrop to match the beauty of the actors and actresses.

The History of Korea

In this blog post, I will take you through the most important events of Korea’s history since the period of the Three Kingdoms (57 B.C.) to present day.

This is a screenshot of that the custom HTML block should look like:

Also, here is the link to the timeline so that you see it functioning: https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1vuBbZ54fKukfCKmiwRUeIVzXbCcZl6IXcUd1nAPLG-8&font=Default&lang=en&initial_zoom=2&height=650

I’ve not really been someone who is fascinated by history – I never really paid too much attention to it in school. But I found this really interesting to look in to. Probably because it is different to the culture that I was brought up knowing.
I thought it should be something to share with you since history is what makes a country, regardless of which country that is. I cannot say for definitely but I can imagine that every Korean school child is taught this – just like all British school children are taught about the World Wars and how we were involved.
Besides finding that information absorbing, I have found that my new found understanding has helped my enjoyment of 사극 period Korean dramas. Although I often still struggle to grasp some of the politic aspects of the dramas, I am not able to better place when the drama is taking place. For example, as I am writing this, I am watching ‘구르미 그린 달빛’ ‘Love in the Moonlight’. Without spoiling it, in episode 6, the characters get involved with the Qing dynasty. I have not watched a drama that includes them before. But thanks to the research I have done into Korean history, I was able to know about who they are and their relationship with Korea. There is also the presence of a gun in that episode. Again, I have never seen a gun in period Korean drama. So, that element helped me to understand that this drama is set after 1630s at least. After careful research into the drama, I discovered that it is set in the 1800s.
I hope that you find the history of Korea as engaging as I did. There is a lot more left to discover. But this timeline gives you the basics.