About header image

Who am I? Well, I’ll start of simply. My name is Abbie and I’m a 20 year old from the UK. I am a media production university student. I wouldn’t say that I have an interesting life or anything like that. I’ve had my ups and downs in the past few years. But I would say that this is the best version of me and I am still “learning to love myself” (as 전정국 Jeon Jungkook sings in ‘Answer: Love Myself’).
For those who are curious, my mother tongue language is English and I am learning Korean. I have been learning the language for a little over a year now. I still have loads to learn and perfect. So please do excuse me if there are any mistakes in my Korean.
My story about getting in K-pop and Korean entertainment in general is somewhat dull. Simply, I saw a react video of K-pop music videos on the Fine Bros YouTube channel. I was amazed by the choreography in BTS’s ‘쩔어’ ‘Dope’ and watched the music video myself. And that’s the end of the story. Like most fans of K-pop, I started off wanting to know their names and it spiralled from there. For K-dramas, it started when BTS’s 김태현 (뷔) Taehyung was in ‘화랑’ ‘Hwarang’. Can you tell that BTS is my bias group yet? Four years later, I’m learning their language in the hope to move there to work in the media industry in Korea. Crazy.

About this blog

So, what is this blog about? From the menu above, you will see that there are three main sections: K-pop, K-dramas and Korean. They all interlink by the common theme of Korean entertainment.
In the K-pop and K-dramas sections, I will mostly look at various music videos, albums, scenes and drama series overall from the view point of a media student. My aim with these posts is to give you a little insight into how someone who is learning about the profession sees the current content in these areas. I will also give my opinion about each content and you can decide for yourself if you agree will me or not.
In the Korean section, I will try to educate you about the Korean language and culture. You will see that I have further split the section into five parts: grammar, vocabulary, lyrics, scripts and culture.
– Grammar: an explanation of a grammar concept to the best of my ability.
– Vocabulary: a list of Korean relating to one topic, such as sports or royalty. These will be updated as I learn new words to share with you.
– Lyrics: an analysis of lyrics from a K-pop song that will explain grammar and give definitions of vocabulary.
– Scripts: an analysis of a scene from a K-drama that will explain grammar and give definitions of vocabulary.
– Culture: looking at something about Korea or Korea culture, including history and places in Korea.

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